Photo & Video

Get an amazing souvenir

from your Surf Session

Video Analysis


Who is it for?

Seeing yourself surf on videos and receive profound feedback what you are already good at or where still is room for improvement is the best way to enhance your surfing. Especially for advanced beginner, intermediate and advanced surfer video analysis can have a huge impact on your surfing.

How does it work?

The surf session (max 2 hours) will be filmed with high quality equipment. After your surf session (with or without surf instructor/guide), we will look at the footage and analyse them with you. That includes evaluation of your current surf situation, detailled explanation of the right surf technique and how you can correct mistakes. Futhermore you will receive training tips to improve your surfing and what you should work on.

You will be given the files via AirDrop (iPhone) or they can be uploaded on WeTransfer for you to download on the same day.